#111 The Great Global Awakening with Peter Panagore

Audible Best-Selling Author of Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death is Just The Beginning, entrepreneur and ordained pastor, Rev. Peter Baldwin Panagore, MDiv, broadcast for fifteen years for daily two minute spot on two NBC TV stations with Daily Devotions TV just before the morning’s weather. Storytelling, communicator, public speaker, pastor, and storyteller, Peter had a thirty million views annually on TV (Nielsen Ratings) and uncounted listeners on FM and AM across Maine and New Hampshire, and around the nation.

Peter graduated from Yale University where he completed his MDiv with a focus on the practices and writings in the classics of western mysticism.

A two-time Near-Death Experiencer, Peter, first died in 1980 of hypothermia while ice climbing in Banff Provincial Park in Canada, and then again of a heart attack in 2015, just as Hampton Roads, HarperCollins Canada, Guidepost’s, Jaffa Kiado, Audible, Brilliance Audio, Kindle, Audible, and Nook, released Heaven Is Beautiful globally. In 2020, Heaven Is Beautiful was optioned as a feature film.

Peter Panagore’s Maine Best Seller, Two Minutes for God: Quick Fixes for the Spirit published with Simon & Schuster is a daily inspirational with stories drawn from among the seventeen hundred he wrote and broadcast each day. Peter’s at work on his third book with the working title, Modern Mysticism and You.

Peter’s been interviewed on Fox and Friends, Coast to Coast AM, Canada’s Drew Marshall Show, and recently by Buddha at the Gaspump. He wrote his blogs on Huffington Post’s Blogspot for a decade, and published one hundred and fifty sermons in Homiletics, and has practiced kundalini yoga, and heartful mediation for forty years. He ran First Radio Parish Church of America for fifteen years with a charitable in-kind broadcast budget of one million dollars a year’s given by two commercial TV stations.

For fun, Peter stilt walks in parades.

In this episode Peter delivers his talk from the IANDS conference on a global awakening that is taking place and the importance of sharing and listening to the wisdom from mystical experiences.

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#110 Past Life Regression with Kevin Wooding

In this episode Kevin Wooding talks about past life regression and how the practice can help aid us in our emotional and physical healing to bring us to a greater sense of understanding about who we are.

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#109 Part 2 Healing Your Inner Child with Psychiatrist Rebecca Valla, MD

Rebecca S. Valla, MD is a Psychiatrist who practices from a Holistic perspective. She has come to see spiritual growth and psychological healing as interconnected. Her emphasis is on learning to heal your inner child and to love yourself, and others, in this order. She has been active with the IANDS(International Association for Near-Death Studies), organization, presenting talks on Self-Love.

In this episode Rebecca shares with us the importance of healing our inner child and how to navigate those often times complicated emotions to bring you to a state of unconditional self love.

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#108 Healing Your Inner Child with Psychiatrist Rebecca Valla, MD

Rebecca S. Valla, MD is a Psychiatrist who practices from a Holistic perspective. She has come to see spiritual growth and psychological healing as interconnected. Her emphasis is on learning to heal your inner child and to love yourself, and others, in this order. She has been active with the IANDS(International Association for Near-Death Studies), organization, presenting talks on Self-Love.

In this episode Rebecca shares with us the importance of healing our inner child and how to navigate those often times complicated emotions to bring you to a state of unconditional self love.

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#107 A Magical True Story of How a Profound NDE Turned a Young Man Into a Famous Artist and Musician with David Ditchfield

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David Ditchfield is an artist, composer and author. In 2006, he was dragged under a speeding train in a freak accident. As the surgeons fought to save him, he had a profound Near-Death Experience. He later realized that he had acquired astonishing new abilities. The first, an ability to create dramatic paintings of what he’d seen in the Afterlife. The second, the ability to compose classical music, despite being unable to read or write any musical notation. His debut symphony premiered at a sell-out orchestral concert to a standing ovation. He has since composed further classical works, also premiered at sell-out performances and continues to paint and compose in Cambridge, UK. His book, SHINE ON, which tells his remarkable story, is out now.

In this beautiful episode David shares with us his near death experience and the beautiful talents he brought back with him. David’s art so beautifully transports us into the love of the divine.

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#106 Part 2: The Place Between Here and There with Stephen Weber and Katherine Plant

Stephen Weber, a Technology Project Manager, and Katherine Plant, a childcare worker and reiki practitioner, live in Northport, Long Island, New York, with their precious pups, Marius, a rottweiler, and Bandit, an Australian shepherd. They both have 22-year old daughters that attend university in Connecticut. Steve and Kathie host successful workshops on The Place Between Here and There, accompanied by music and meditation. In their spare time, they enjoy hiking the many beautiful parks on Long Island, doing yoga, running, and cooking. They also enjoy sharing their spiritual enthusiasm by hosting kirtans, full moon ceremonies, sound healings, and guided meditations with friends. Steve and Kathie love to hear from their readers and are thrilled to answer all correspondence.

Stephen, Kathrine and I continue to discuss in this episode how the lessons of the near death experience can help heal a grieving heart and teach us the greatest lessons in pure unconditional love.

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#105 The Place Between Here and There with Stephen Weber and Katherine Plant

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Stephen Weber, a Technology Project Manager, and Katherine Plant, a childcare worker and reiki practitioner, live in Northport, Long Island, New York, with their precious pups, Marius, a rottweiler, and Bandit, an Australian shepherd. They both have 22-year old daughters that attend university in Connecticut. Steve and Kathie host successful workshops on The Place Between Here and There, accompanied by music and meditation. In their spare time, they enjoy hiking the many beautiful parks on Long Island, doing yoga, running, and cooking. They also enjoy sharing their spiritual enthusiasm by hosting kirtans, full moon ceremonies, sound healings, and guided meditations with friends. Steve and Kathie love to hear from their readers and are thrilled to answer all correspondence.

In todays episode I chat with Stephen and Katherine about Stephens NDE, how it taught him the language of the Universe and how these lessons can help us all navigate the human experience.

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#104 Chaplain, Four-Time Cancer Survivor and Near-Death Experiencer David Maginley Shares His Wisdom

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Rev. David Maginley is an interfaith spiritual counselor at the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and award-winning author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey. He is featured in the documentaries Here Right Now, and When You Die. David has also survived cancer four times, which resulted in a profound near-death experience and explorations in the connection of body, mind and spirit. He knows cancer from both sides of the hospital bed, and this life from both sides of the veil.

In today’s beautiful episode, David and I discuss his journey being diagnosed with cancer multiple times and the profound ways in which his near death experience impacted him and the greatest lessons in life he has learned along the way.

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#103 A True Story from Ethiopia about a Dream and Saving a Child’s Life with Helen Wolday

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Helen Wolday is an earth angel, in my opinion. I learned about Helen through my brother-in-law, Dr. Rick Hodes, who has worked in Ethiopia for 40 years. One evening while Rick was visiting the states, he told me the beautiful story of Helen and a dream she had. A dream that she could not let go of to save a child's life. This is a true story of love, compassion, spirit, perseverance, and belief.

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#102 Bringing through Beautiful Messages from Another Dimension with Kevin Lewis

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From my earliest of childhood memories, I have had the ability to communicate with spirit. My mediumship, psychic, and healing abilities have continued to unveil with each day and experience. My deepest intention is to help others, an intention that is so deep rooted I consider it my calling. Considered an natural born empath and healer, I rely on and trust that spirit will always provide you with what is needed most. Whether it’s a message from a loved one, psychic guidance, or deep healing, my unwavering integrity and commitment to spirit and my clients, will leave you impacted by their love.

In today’s episode, Kevin and I discuss the beautiful messages he receives from other dimensions as a healing medium.

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#101 Loved Ones Share with Us the Beauty of the Afterlife with Rebecca Austill-Clausen and William Stillman

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Psychic William Stillman is the internationally known, award-winning author of the Autism and the God Connection book trilogy that explores aspects of spiritual giftedness in many people with autism. These books encompass Autism and the God ConnectionThe Soul of Autism (translated in three languages to date), and The Autism Prophecies. His other books of the paranormal genre include The Secret Language of Spirit: Understanding Spirit Communication in Our Everyday LivesConversations with Dogs: A Psychic Reveals What Our Canine Companions Have to Say (And How You Can Talk to Them Too!), and Under Spiritual Siege: How Ghosts and Demons Affect Us and How to Combat Them, about spiritual warfare and how negative spiritual entities affect those of us who are susceptible. 

Since 2004, Bill has worked professionally as a psychic and spiritual counselor. His accuracy in discerning the truth and making predictions that come to fruition has been acclaimed by his clients as truly extraordinary, and ranks at 90-98% accurate. He specializes in identifying clients' gifts and talents as well as aiding discarnate spirits (ghosts) to transition to the Heavenly realm. And he has investigated hauntings on behalf of the Pennsylvania Paranormal Association. Bill has also relieved others of the physical symptoms of pain and discomfort with prayer and laying on of hands. He has been consulted on missing person and unsolved homicide cases.

Rebecca Austill-Clausen is an Occupational Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, award-winning author, and inspirational speaker. She had no psychic or spiritual experience when she discovered her ability to communicate with her deceased brother. Becky struggled with how her spiritual awakening could mesh with the practical everyday world. 

After 20 years of spiritual exploration, Becky sold her large rehabilitation practice and her book Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life was published. Change Maker has received five national book awards. 

Becky teaches empowering After-Death Communication workshops and Reiki trainings worldwide. She provides individual coaching for those wishing to communicate with their deceased loved ones.

In today’s episode, William, Rebecca and I discuss the the big picture meaning of life and why we are here.

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#100 Does the Brain Create Consciousness? With Mark Gober

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Mark Gober is an international speaker and author of An End to Upside Down Thinking (2018), which was awarded the IPPY best science book of 2019. He is also the author of An End to Upside Down Living (2020) and host of the podcast Where Is My Mind? (2019). Additionally, he serves on the Board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the School of Wholeness and Enlightenment. Gober’s background is in business as a Partner at Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley and previously as an investment banking analyst in New York. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, where he wrote his award-winning thesis on Daniel Kahneman’s Nobel Prize–winning “Prospect Theory” and was elected a captain of Princeton’s Division I Tennis Team.

In today’s episode, Mark Gober and I discuss his views on science, its relation to human consciousness, and how we perceive reality.

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#99 The Conscious Mamas Movement with Kate Smith

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Kate Smith is a Certified Yoga Instructor for children and adults. She's worked with children and in alternative health for over ten years and is the creator of Conscious Mamas Movement- an online platform that provides resources fo mothers and children to live present, healthy, and connective lives. She creates playful and digestible tools to help mothers and children process their emotions communicate their needs, and regulate their nervous systems.

In this episode, Kate Smith and I discuss her work with children related to helping them build their emotional literacy toolbox and how we as adults can benefit from this wisdom as well. 

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#98 Lynn K Russell Discovers Hidden Messages about the World, Life and the Paths We All Travel through Her NDE Research

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Lynn has over sixty-five years of studying various religions and spiritual philosophies. She researched near-death experiences for Dr. Jeffery Long, of NDERF. After studying 2500 cases, Lynn became fascinated with the profound underlying spiritual knowledge brought back. The second edition of her book, The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experiences Tells You About Yourself, is about that knowledge and your reality. Her interest in science has helped to add profound understandings of the link between science and spirituality.

In this episode Lynn and I discuss the wisdom that results from near death experience.

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#97 So, Why Are We Here? With Renowned Medium Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann is messenger of hope—a mystic, metaphysical teacher, and medium who shares The Awakened Way – a path to knowing Who you are and why you’re here. Whether in her books, her classes and workshops, her weekly radio show, or her one-on-one sessions, Suzanne provides stunning evidence of life after death. She is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and as aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Suzanne’s gift of communication with those on the other side has been recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers. She brings messages of hope, healing, and love that go straight to the heart.

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#96 Part 2 Helping Our Newest Generation Navigate Their Unique Challenges and Gifts with Kathryn Brewer

Kathryn Brewer is a Mentor, Speaker and Author who works with coaches, therapists, teachers and other conscious leaders on the evolutionary path to catapult their influence, effectiveness and satisfaction in work and life.  She combines decades of experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist and School Psychologist with cutting-edge training and a life-long connection to intuitive knowing.  Due to her personal story growing up as a highly-gifted and psychic child who struggled to fit in, Kathryn is especially passionate about working with mentors of children and youth to help them navigate the unique challenges and gifts of our newest generation.

Kathryn was an initiating member of the CATCH Grant Team for preschools and child care centers in Santa Barbara County, California, in which she modeled in the classroom responses and techniques to teach emotional skills and compassionately shift behavior of children while building their self-esteem and joy.  She designed a Kindergarten entry screening that children found to be fun and gave a glimpse of them as a whole being, not just their skill levels.  Understanding the crucial role of the first five years in child development, she utilized play therapy and energetic techniques to help young children blossom.  Through her skills as an empath, she knew what children felt without the necessity of them finding words to explain.  Her children’s book, “My Awwwsome Story” touches the deepest inner knowing within young children and takes them on a journey that makes real for them their connection to all that exists and validates their urge to make the world a better place.

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#95 Helping Our Newest Generation Navigate Their Unique Challenges and Gifts with Kathryn Brewer

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Kathryn Brewer is a Mentor, Speaker and Author who works with coaches, therapists, teachers and other conscious leaders on the evolutionary path to catapult their influence, effectiveness and satisfaction in work and life.  She combines decades of experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist and School Psychologist with cutting-edge training and a life-long connection to intuitive knowing.  Due to her personal story growing up as a highly-gifted and psychic child who struggled to fit in, Kathryn is especially passionate about working with mentors of children and youth to help them navigate the unique challenges and gifts of our newest generation.

Kathryn was an initiating member of the CATCH Grant Team for preschools and child care centers in Santa Barbara County, California, in which she modeled in the classroom responses and techniques to teach emotional skills and compassionately shift behavior of children while building their self-esteem and joy.  She designed a Kindergarten entry screening that children found to be fun and gave a glimpse of them as a whole being, not just their skill levels.  Understanding the crucial role of the first five years in child development, she utilized play therapy and energetic techniques to help young children blossom.  Through her skills as an empath, she knew what children felt without the necessity of them finding words to explain.  Her children’s book, “My Awwwsome Story” touches the deepest inner knowing within young children and takes them on a journey that makes real for them their connection to all that exists and validates their urge to make the world a better place.

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#94 Who Are These New Kids Coming into This World and What Can They Teach Us with PMH Atwater

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Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, is an international authority on near- death experiences. A survivor of 3 near-death episodes herself, she has completed 44 years of research on the subject, and has written 18 books, including her most recent book, “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”. In her quest for knowledge she has interviewed nearly 5000 people, including young children who have had such experiences, and adults who have lived their lives after NDEs. Her immersion in the topic has led her to the firm belief that the near-death experience is not an anomaly, but part of a consciousness transformation or “brain shift”. In the 80s, PMH turned from this path briefly to find out why regular children, everyday children, seemed to manifest the same or similar aftereffects of a near- death experience. This project opened her eyes to something quite remarkable, the human race evolving. The children of today, most of them are quite different from any other generation in US history. In this interview, you will learn about how the coming new world will be tailored specifically for the new kids, who will lead the way in the Great Shift from old world to new.

A vast majority (of NDEers) never lose their sense of home.”

”They really are different because their brains formed differently.”

”They’re bringing that knowledge and openness with them.
— P.M.H. Atwater, on early NDEers

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#80 Part 2 God is Bigger than the Bible with Raymond Moody

Meet the man who blazed the trail and those who have followed in his footsteps. When Raymond Moody MD, Ph.D. began his research into near-death experiences in 1968, he was a skeptic and an atheist. Now he is neither. This psychologist, physician and author is most widely known for his books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975 in his best-selling book Life After Life

This fascinating and delightful man, who is both a doctor of medicine and a doctor of philosophy, shares a lifetime of wisdom and experience regarding near-death and the life beyond, as seen through the eyes of a multitude of individuals as well as bystanders and loved ones. He is a firm believer in the afterlife. Listen to this podcast and find out why!

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I have never been so alive as when I heard that doctor say I was dead
— Dr. Raymond Moody (Quote From Patient)
To my utter astonishment, there is an afterlife.
— Dr. Raymond Moody

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#79 God is Bigger than the Bible with Raymond Moody

Meet the man who blazed the trail and those who have followed in his footsteps. When Raymond Moody MD, Ph.D. began his research into near-death experiences in 1968, he was a skeptic and an atheist. Now he is neither. This psychologist, physician and author is most widely known for his books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975 in his best-selling book Life After Life

This fascinating and delightful man, who is both a doctor of medicine and a doctor of philosophy, shares a lifetime of wisdom and experience regarding near-death and the life beyond, as seen through the eyes of a multitude of individuals as well as bystanders and loved ones. He is a firm believer in the afterlife. Listen to this podcast and find out why!

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I have never been so alive as when I heard that doctor say I was dead
— Dr. Raymond Moody (Quote From Patient)
To my utter astonishment, there is an afterlife.
— Dr. Raymond Moody

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