#105 The Place Between Here and There with Stephen Weber and Katherine Plant

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Stephen Weber, a Technology Project Manager, and Katherine Plant, a childcare worker and reiki practitioner, live in Northport, Long Island, New York, with their precious pups, Marius, a rottweiler, and Bandit, an Australian shepherd. They both have 22-year old daughters that attend university in Connecticut. Steve and Kathie host successful workshops on The Place Between Here and There, accompanied by music and meditation. In their spare time, they enjoy hiking the many beautiful parks on Long Island, doing yoga, running, and cooking. They also enjoy sharing their spiritual enthusiasm by hosting kirtans, full moon ceremonies, sound healings, and guided meditations with friends. Steve and Kathie love to hear from their readers and are thrilled to answer all correspondence.

In todays episode I chat with Stephen and Katherine about Stephens NDE, how it taught him the language of the Universe and how these lessons can help us all navigate the human experience.

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!