#42 The Relationship Between Science, Plant Medicine, Spirituality and Healing with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as he comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality.

In this third interview with Dr. Tafur, we discuss the science behind plant medicine, and why it can be so effective at addressing the root causes of emotional trauma.

Science is not medicine. It is important, but it is not medicine. Medicine heals, even spiritual medicine and science should not limit healing works.
— Dr. Joe Tafur

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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#39 The Love, The Gift and The Responsibility with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as he comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality.

This second interview with Dr. Tafur further explores the practice of plant medicine as a transformative method of self-healing, with insights into how one can achieve continuous and lasting spiritual healing and growth.

Spiritual practice is spiritual healing, and spiritual healing is spiritual practice, and both can help to heal the emotional body and in turn, the mind-body.
— Dr. Joe Tafur
In this next wave of consciousness, the purpose of spiritual practice is to nourish our spiritual well-being.
— Dr. Joe Tafur


  • Dr. Joe Tafur describes the ideal conditions for the use of Ayahuasca.

  • Ayahuasca has been transformative for many people, but it is not for everyone. Dr. Tafur describes those candidates/situations that may not be an appropriate fit for plant medicine. He emphasizes that plant medicine should not be considered a quick fix.

  • Dr. Tafur talks describes the conditions and practices that support lasting spiritual benefits of Ayahuasca.

  • Dr. Tafur explains how “The Love”, “The Gift” and “The Responsibility” apply to the importance of commitment in the use of plant medicine.

  • In addition to fully becoming immersed in indigenous culture, there are other ways to explore Ayahuasca. Dr. Tafur recommends www.iceers.org as a good source of guidelines.

  • Dr. Tafur offers encouraging insights about how spiritual practices are starting to become integrated into western medicine.

  • Click on the image below to view Dr. Tafur’s book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#38 What a Medical Doctor Learned in the Jungles of Peru with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality

In this episode Dr. Joe Tafur details how plant medicine, specifically Ayahuasca, can act as a portal to mystical experiences and can help many find profound emotional healing.

One can initiate forgiveness in the brain, however true healing cannot be found until you are able to forgive in your heart.
— Dr. Joe Tafur


  • Joe gives us a glimpse into how plant medicine and different modalities helped get him through a difficult time in his life. This personal experience was the catalyst that lead him to dedicating much of his career to the study of plant medicine. 

  • Joe explains what Ayahuasca is, how it is used and what to expect during a ceremony. 

  • Through the lens of his many years of experience, Joe explains how he believes Ayahuasca can often times be a gateway to profound emotional healing.

  • Click on the image below to see Dr. Tafur’s book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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#37 Plant Medicine and the Path to Healing and Wholeness With Dr. Jeff McNairy

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Dr. Jeff McNairy is the Chief Medical Officer at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. He has a doctorate in Psychology and a masters degree in Public Health from UCLA. Dr. McNairy has been working in the health care field for 25 years in a variety of medical environments and has seen the struggle individuals have when actually trying to heal. He has found that the current Western system of heath care is deficient in healing the population as it is more concerned with managing symptoms and using external sources for “change.” Through Dr. McNairy’s intense experience with the most desperate patient populations (those suffering from addiction, acute mental health issues and trauma), he has seen that the only real healing can come from within.

In this fascinating interview, Dr. McNairy shares the journey that led him to his current position as Chief Medical Officer at Rythmia, a medically licensed wellness retreat facility in Costa Rica which specializes in a number of breakthrough modalities for life transformation, including yoga, breathwork and medically supervised plant medicine. His explanation of how plant medicine works in the brain to help heal past wounds and traumas is riveting.

We believe that all cause of unease is related to being unplugged from the true self, whether that’s anxiety, depression, addiction, all kinds of mental health issues... also illnesses, auto immune disorders... a big part of it is not being united with the actual, true self.
— Dr. Jeff McNairy
The soul contract that you have with yourself in your life is with this “little you”; it’s the authentic you... it represents who you really are...
— Dr. Jeff McNairy


  • Dr. Jeff McNairy explains how his early interests in medical anthropology, ethno-botany and indigenous cultures led him to pursue multiple degrees and clinical experiences in order to arrive where he is today.

  • Jeff describes the process in which young children “split” or dissociate from their true selves, which can ultimately result in addiction and a multitude of illnesses and pathologies.

  • Jeff’s describes the amazing transformation of one of his more challenging patients, leading Jeff to explore the use of plant medicine by indigenous cultures and ultimately establish Rythmia in Costa Rica.

  • He explains how Ayahuasca (a form of plant medicine) works in the brain in order to enable people to reconnect with their authentic selves and heal themselves. He uses his own experience to illustrate.

  • Jeff and Marla emphasize how Ayahuasca is not for everyone and should only be administered under medical supervision.

  • Jeff offers insights on a number of topics… the wisdom of young children, the amazing gifts that autistic children possess, and the crucial role that empathy plays in changing the world.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#21 Words of Wisdom in a Time of Transformation With Eileen Davies

Eileen Davies is one of the most well-respected mediums in the U.K. and abroad. She is known for her accuracy and specificity in her mental mediumship demonstrations and one-to-one readings, giving detailed heart-centered evidence of survival. She is highly valued for her personal integrity and humility. She's an exceptional trance medium and cherished for her nurturing way with her students, freeing them from their own blocks and self imposed limitations. Having served the Spirit world for 30+ years she is a wellspring of wisdom and experience. She is a course organizer at the Arthur Findlay Spiritualist College and the Trustee and Principle of Kingswells House Aberdeen.

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The Universe is a symphony. We add our own melody and uniqueness that wasn’t there before.
— Eileen Davies
When we know we are eternal beings, it takes us through the door of transformation.
— Eileen Davies


  • Eileen sees the current pandemic crisis as a call for all of us to take a hard look at our lives and make necessary changes to live more authentically and in connection with others, with more focus on love and kindness, and less on material concerns.

  • Her hope is that we can learn to live and think in a loving, life-enhancing way, both individually and collectively.

  • She describes the beauty she is finding in the silence of nature, which is getting a breathing space as it begins to realign and restore itself.

  • Choices we make going forward MUST consider future generations. Indigenous and Tibetan cultures are cited as examples.

  • Eileen provides a beautiful description of Metta Meditation, the art and practice of loving kindness, free of judgement. The concepts behind this practice are so important today.

  • Eileen describes a life-changing medium session in which she discovered how forces in the spirit world align in order to communicate what needs to be said to loved ones.

  • She describes changes in the ways we now view religion and how we can all learn from other religions and beliefs by using reason, reverence and respect.

  • Older generations need to teach younger generations by example, so it is crucial to lives authentically and act in ways that are thoughtful and ethical.

  • Eileen describes with great eloquence the concept that as eternal beings, we are all just guests here passing by. When people pass into the spirit world the essence of who they are remains; only the shell of the body is gone.

  • Her great hope is that our current crisis is providing an opportunity for a new collective vision to be reborn.

  • To close, Eileen shared a beautiful poem that she recieved from the spirit world around the time of the lockdown. Click HERE to read it, and click HERE to watch it as a video.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#19 A Miraculous Journey Using Sound, Music and Energy Healing Practices with Madhu Anziani

Madhu Anziani is a sound healer extraordinaire who, after sustaining a serious injury which rendered him a tetraplegic (paralysis affecting all four limbs), used a combination of sound and energy healing to miraculously recover mobility.  He has studied Jazz and World Music and is certified in sound, voice and music healing from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and is a regular lecturer at San Francisco State University. He is experienced in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Hebrew chanting as well as the system of Wisdom Healing, Qi Gong.  Madhu is also a sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition of ancestral Peruvian healing arts.  For links to all of his websites, visit linktr.ee/madhu.

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Any kind of music, if it lights up our spirit, that’s going to be healing.
— Mahdu Anziani
We are multi-faceted beings of light, living light... we are functioning on many plains, many dimensions.
— Madhu Anziani


  • Madhu describes his fall from a 2-story window which shattered 2 vertebrae in his spine and left him paralyzed from the neck down with no use of his limbs, unable to feed himself or even breathe on his own.

  • In an induced coma state he sensed an angelic presence and the knowledge that he would be able to heal.

  • While also studying music at SF State, Madhu’s studies in the Holistic Health Program with Professor Eric Pepper had a profound effect on him, particularly a demonstration by a Japanese energy healer. This experience gave him hope for spontaneous recovery while in the hospital.

  • Reiki healing involves the use of one’s hands to direct universal energy to where it is needed in order to facilitate healing in ourselves and others.

  • Madhu’s father and sister learned to practice Reiki to help him heal while in a coma.

  • He was able to hear healing music that his father and sister played 24/7 while he was in a coma. He mentions the music of Jonathon Goldman, specifically “Peaceful Journey”, as well as the healing effects of listening to any music that makes one happy.

  • The Five Principles of Reiki became Madhu’s meditation:

    • Just for today, I will not worry;

    • I will not get angry;

    • I will work hard;

    • I will be grateful;

    • I will be kind to others.

  • He describes the principles behind Sound Healing.

  • Madhu describes the blessing of having two influential grandmothers, in particular his father’s mother who was a “very advanced being” who spoke often of reincarnation and previous lives… “I am forever”.

  • Madhu’s journey to healing was excruciating and required extraordinary focus. He used Shamanic initiation to control his mind. The process took several months and encompassed many small miracles.

  • Were it not for his injury he would not have delved as deeply as he has into the healing arts, seeking out teachers and modalities from around the world, including the opportunity to study with a Qi Gong master.

  • A deep connection to Mother Earth is crucial for healing. This included honoring our ancestors, for “our ancestors are the earth”.

  • Madhu discovered an earth-based cross-cultural healing lineage from Peru known as the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition founded by Don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo. He learned to perform rituals and offerings to the land; this is referred to as “sacred reciprocity”.

  • Marla will have the privilege of studying with Madhu in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Healing Arts for Personal and Planetary Renewal.

  • The experience of heartbreak, of being broken open provides an opportunity to surrender, to open one’s heart and become part of a commonality, as we meet other people who share a heart wound which is a part of a spiritual journey.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#18 Celebrating Indigenous Cultures and Shamanism with Jeffery Olsen

Jeffery Olsen is a bestselling author who inspires audiences internationally with his intriguing story of perseverance and inner strength. After a horrific automobile accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff, including the amputation of his left leg, he found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries to eventually heal and thrive, both physically and emotionally.

Jeff has appeared on many national and international television and radio programs sharing his insights. Olsen’s latest book, Knowing,” is a compilation of his earlier works, yet with even deeper insights and extended chapters.

Jeff continues to work as a Creative Director and participates on several boards including The Road Home, The Wholeness Network, and as a World Ambassador for the International Association for Near Death Studies.

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Among all of his accomplishments, Jeff is most proud of and most fulfilled by simply being a husband, father and friend.

Jeff’s website is: www.EnvoyPublishing.com. He can also be found at www.spiritkeeperseries.com.

They had it all figured out.. maybe thousands of years ago.
— Jeffery Olsen, on Native Americans
You must put a seed deep into the darkness for it to ever grow... and it will grow toward the light.
— Jeffery Olsen
I got in touch with the Divine Feminine (Mother Earth)
— Jeffery Olsen
There are threads of truth that run through all things and I think that finding them and recognizing them keeps us in the awe and wonder of life.
— Jeffery Olsen


  • Jeffery describes the profound shared spiritual experience he had with Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll, an ER Trauma doctor, which occurred while he was on the operating table after his horrific auto accident. Both Dr. O’Driscoll and a nurse were able to see the spirit of Jeffery’s wife and feel her gratitude.

  • His interest in indigenous cultures began at an early age and was sparked by a connection to a Native American man who worked with horses on his family farm. He was struck by the unique and gentle way this man worked with the horses: “You don’t break a horse, you connect with it”.

  • Jeffery’s NDE turned his old ideas about religion upside down as he began to recognize certain common themes shared by all religions, in particular the universality of divine love and the concept of the light being within us.

  • While attending a shamanism workshop, Jeff was recognized by the shaman as having “been there”.

  • Learning about moon cycles, our connection to the earth and the concept of the Holy Trinity helped Jeff make sense of his NDE.

  • Shamanism embraces both the light and the darkness, which are interconnected. The sun is the light and the soil is the darkness.

  • For therapy, Jeff lays on the ground outside and feels that Mother Earth is holding him and Father Sky is looking down. Everything is alive, even the rocks.

  • A shaman can be described as one who “plays between the realms”, one who has risen to the high place.

  • In Native American cultures, an individual’s status would be based upon what they had given away, not on what they had accumulated.

  • Ceremonies and rituals are a crucial part of indigenous cultures. Jeff describes a fire ceremony as an example.

  • Suggestions of ceremonies that we can practice include taking 10 minutes to lie outside, or watch a sunrise or a sunset, where Father Sky kisses Mother Earth.

    • Sunrise: A time to ask: What can I do today to make a difference? Who can I serve?

    • Sunset: A time for gratitude, the highest vibration.

  • Spirit Keeper Series is a course that about the practices and beliefs of Native American and indigenous peoples taught by Jeffery and two others.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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