#199 Teaching Children How to Nurture Their Inner World With Eva Goulette

Eva is an international best-selling author and the founder of Dancing Jaguar Inspirations, a company that creates metaphysical programs and products for all ages. Spirit Camp is a foundational program that provides a smorgasbord of teachings so children can create a Wisdom Toolbox for life. When students learn to trust their intuition and connect to their Higher Wisdom, they are able to thrive and live with confidence and self-awareness.

In today's episode, I'm excited to introduce Eva Goulette and the profoundly meaningful work she undertakes with children through her Spirit Camps. Her work beautifully provides children with the essential tools to foster their inner landscapes and maintain a strong connection to their true selves.


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Connect with Marla Hughes of Interviews With Innocence:

Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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