Dive into the enigmatic world of spirituality with "Interviews with Innocence" as we proudly present Episode 212, featuring the remarkable Michael Mayo. An internationally renowned medium, astrologer, and spiritual teacher, Michael has honed his extraordinary skills in the mystic realms of the United Kingdom, guided by eminent figures such as Gordon Smith and Eileen Davies. With a rich academic background from the University of California, Irvine, blending psychology and drama, Michael offers a unique, grounded perspective on the ethereal.

In this captivating episode, Michael shares his 18-year odyssey in astrology, providing listeners with an intimate glimpse into the cosmos through his eyes. He recounts his transformative experiences with the Spirit World, delivering messages of love and eternal hope that challenge our perceptions of life and death. Michael's mission is to illuminate the timeless nature of our existence, urging us to embrace our spiritual journeys and the profound connections that bind us to the universe.

As a second-generation astrologer and a seasoned spiritual educator, Michael has touched lives across the globe, from the United States to Europe and Australia. His workshops and consultations offer a sanctuary for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Through his teachings, Michael empowers individuals to uncover their innate strengths, overcome obstacles, and tap into their inner resilience and grit.

Join us on a journey of enlightenment and empowerment in Episode 212 of "Interviews with Innocence." Whether you're a spiritual seeker, an astrology enthusiast, or simply curious about the greater mysteries of life, this episode promises a thought-provoking exploration of the unseen forces that shape our world and beyond. Tune in to discover how Michael Mayo's insights can inspire a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos and the eternal dance of life and love.


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  • Connect with Marla Hughes of Interviews With Innocence:

Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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