#209 - Love Magic

Magic". This 7-minute podcast will explore the comforting tale of 6-year-old Charlie, who navigates the grief of losing her grandfather, Pop Pop. Marla will share the inspiration behind the story, emphasizing the book's core message that the most important things in life are not seen but felt with the heart. She'll discuss how "Love Magic" serves as a beacon of hope for both children and adults, reminding us that love is eternal and that we can always connect with those we love through memory, visualization, and the magic of Love Bubbles. Discover how Marla's extensive background in working with children and her personal experiences have shaped this touching narrative. Whether you've faced a loss or cherish the invisible bonds of love, this episode will offer a gentle reminder of love's enduring power.


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  • Connect with Marla Hughes of Interviews With Innocence:

Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!