#164 The Beauty and Research of Microdosing With Kathryn Starfly

Bio for Starfly:

Greetings beautiful humyn, 

My early life experiences included sexual trauma, and a strong protective response that significantly  dimmed my natural connection to spirit and intuitive gifts until late in my 50s. As I awoke from my depression/repression I sought to heal, to discover and align with my higher life purpose. During this journey a friend encouraged me to try psilocybin mushrooms to assist in re-writing my neural pathways. 

Much of my life I functioned as a clinical pharmacist, until I became disenchanted with the monetary focus emphasized by much of “big pharma”.  Seeking another way, I began asking to co-create with the plants, fascinated by authors such as Suzanne Simard (The Mother Tree), Stephen Harrod Buhner (Secret Teachings of Plants), Findhorn garden, festivals like Plants EnChant and chance encounters with amazing humyns like author, herbalist and mycologist Dr. Christopher Hobbs. 

I have felt for some time that the entire plant holds much more pharmacological wisdom and spirit than selected portions or synthesized re-enactments do. I have been sitting with different plant medicines and asking to hear and feel their energy and their messages. I am delighted to say that this is now happening! 

In this amazing space of co-creation with the plants and other beings, I feel myself dropping into the great web of oneness where we all exist in love and peace. It is my greatest desire to facilitate that for other humyns, to support loving intentional harmony and assist in humyn evolution, divinely so.

In today’s episode, Kathryn Starfly shares her beautiful journey with micro-dosing psilocybin including how it has improved her quality of life and helped her move beyond depression.

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!