#147 Celebrating the Wisdom and Magic of Our Young Children With Jenny Adams

Jenny’s bio:

I’ve been a Shamanic Wellness Practitioner and Transformation Coach for over 15 years. It is my honor to guide you into Divine Self remembrance and reclaim Sacred wisdom that may have been forgotten in the amnesia of Earth Culture.

Shamanism? Really? How did that happen?

I was born in Perth, Western Australia as a highly sensitive empath and naturally held an understanding of the 'non-physical’ realms of consciousness. In my early teen years, my family moved to the United States and life began to unravel with the onset of family trauma. To emotionally survive, I tried to ‘turn down’ my intuition by funneling all my energies into competitive gymnastics. Sport became my life raft. But, at age 17, I suffered a broken back in a gymnastics competition and my life raft began to sink. Once unable to exercise, my body morphed into 'the fat suit' and I found myself in the war zone battling depression, anxiety, shameful thoughts, and deep in the binge/starve cycle of eating disorders. In an attempt to heal, I decided to reject expected scholarly pursuits and instead went on a spiritual walkabout to heal my soul's wounding.

In the years that followed, I trained with Priestesses and Shamans from many indigenous traditions, transpersonal psychologists, hypnotherapists, neuroscientists, and breath workers. As my own healing progressed, I began to channel different Goddess frequencies and developed a system of healing called The Feminine Frequency. This work guides individuals to release the conditioned pain/shame body, reclaim the shadow, and maximize the feminine-masculine balance within their own psyche. As an experienced transformation coach and facilitator, I draw upon my diverse training and life experience to look deep into your Soul plan, distill practical tools for self-transformation, and reignite authentic soulful living practices.

Together we peal the layers of the non-self through cutting edge nutrition therapy, guided dynamic breathwork, pointed and powerful meditations, Soul Regression hypnosis, and get your higher self back in the driver seat of your life.



• B.S Neruo-Psychology & Comparative Religious Studies - University of Colorado

• Master Gardener, Permaculture Design

• Holistic Nutrition Counselor - Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York

• Certified Soul Regression Hypnotherapist (PLSR & BLSR)

• Experienced Reiki Master and Teacher,

• Experienced Shamanic Wellness Practitioner

• Certified Massage Therapist - MTIC, Colorado

• Biodynamic Breath work and Trauma Release System - Level 4 Facilitator

I have a beautiful conversation with Jenny Adams on today's episode about the wisdom children bring into the world and how we as adults can learn to reconnect with our inner child essence.

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!