Rituals Consultation Package

I am offering a Family Ritual Consultation package to empower families to create their own sacred rituals which will enable each member to connect with one another and awaken to a higher power. Each family has its own unique dynamic and rhythm, so of course the rituals that we structure will be completely unique to each family. However, in every session we will work together to:

  • Share and reflect to foster spiritual growth and a better understanding of what is truly important in life.

  • Helps participants develop a sense of belonging and connectedness, a deep sense of comfort that we are not alone.

  • Fosters values and relationships, strengthen family bonds.

This package will be structured as follows:

  • Each participant (this could be a parent, caregiver or a whole family unit) will be given a questionaire to be completed and returned.

  • I will then facilitate an initial 30 minute session with the parent, caregiver, or family unit.

  • I will provide a curated ritual gift box, unique to the family and their situation. The box will contain special items to be used in the ritual, as well as a personalized message describing the ritual in detail. The items in each box will vary from family to family, but may include such items as candles, crystals/stones/aromatherapy, incense, art, music, stuffed animals etc. Click HERE for more information about Ritual Boxes.

  • There will be a 30 minute Care and Support follow up with the family to share feedback and ask questions.

Cost: $125